Wednesday, June 29, 2022

12th Social Justice Film Festival, Bengaluru : Some Moments!

12th Social Justice Film Festival : Some Moments!

St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru : 11, 12 May 2022

Some moments!

Day 02, 12 May

Madhu Bhusan, co producer of the film 'Bird Trapper or Beggar'

Arul Mani, Dean and HoD
Dept of English, St Joseph's College

12th Social Justice Film Festival, Bengaluru : Some Moments!

12th Social Justice Film Festival 2022

St. Joseph's College, Bengaluru : 11, 12 May 2022

Some moments!

Day 01, 11 May

Hansa Thapliyal, director of the film 'The Outside In'

Sanjay Barnela, one of the directors of the film 'Color of My Home'

12th Social Justice Film Festival 2022 : Bengaluru

12th Social Justice Film Festival 2022

11 & 12 May, St.Joseph’s College, Bengaluru

Curated by Amudhan R.P.

Organised by Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bengaluru


11 May

9.30 am Inauguration

10 am The Outside In (Dir: Hansa Thapliyal; 25 min; 2019)

10.25 Interaction with Hansa Thapliyal, filmmaker

11 Tea break

10.15 Some Stories around Witches (Dir: Lipika Singh Darai; 44 min; 2015)

11.00 am Shramjeevi (Dir: Tarun Bhartiya; 43.50 min; 2020)

1 pm Lunch break

2 pm The Color of My Home (Dir: Sanjay Barnela & Farah Naqvi; 48 min; 2017)

2.50 pm Interaction with Sanjay Barnela, filmmaker

3:10 Janani's Juliet (Dir: Pankaj Rishi Kumar; 53 min; 2019)

4:05 Reflections

12 May

9 am Bird Trapper or Beggar (Dir : Vinod Raja; 79 min; 2017)

10.20 Interaction with Madhu Bhushan, producer / co writer / activist

10.30 Tea break

10.45 Kaggantu (Dir: Ujjwal Utkarsh; 20 min; 2019)

11:05 Holy Rights (Dir : Farha Khatun; 53 min; 2020)

12.00 pm Being the Other (Dir : Amudhan R.P.; 22 min; 2022)

12.25 Interaction with Amudhan R.P. filmmaker

12:45 Closing remarks

24th Social Justice Film Festival 2024, Bengaluru

24th Social Justice Film Festival  3,4 October 2024; St Joseph’s University, Bengaluru   Curated by Amudhan RP Organised by Department of En...